Vision for Education for EDCI325

As part of a cla in Leadership and Technology at UVM in Vermont, I had to create a vision presentation to share My Vision for Education.  By clicking on the link, you will find a draft of that vision that will be modified throughout the course (January - May 2018).   Keep that in mind as you look over the draft, knowing it will have more additions and modifications as time goes on.  Draft of Vision 

My vision in one of an ever changing school; physical environment, delivery of curriculum, technology integration, student engagement in curriculum, student/teacher reflection, teacher collaboration, student collaboration, community involvement and the list goes on.

What if students were active participants in the educational process instead of just receivers of education?

What if teachers were not bogged down by district/supervisory union-wide edicts and constant testing?

What if school administrators sought the input of students, teachers, support staff, community members when it came to integrating the curriculum with all kinds of interesting real-life projects?

What if a student could come to school totally ready to learn because they were so excited about what was going to happen at school that day?

What if teachers were so eager to get to school, because they were so excited to help their students investigate questions and support problem solving?

What if community members were so engaged with the school that they were practically breaking down the doors to volunteer to support the educational process?

What if administration listened more than they talked?

How extraordinary would our world be if schools graduated students that looked forward to getting out into the world to share their skills, knowledge and innovative mindset (#InnovatorsMindset). 

George Couros said it best when he wrote "We all need to develop the skills and mindset that will help us thrive, not only in the classroom but also in our lives beyond the school walls." 

George also "truly believes that in educational leadership, you will be more successful when you demonstrate to the people you serve that innovation isn't a command, but is something you are willing to do with your team." I believe that team should be entitled "TEAM STUDENT"  and that everything we do should be to the benefit of the student, period, end of story.


  1. Hi Nicky -

    "TEAM STUDENT" - I LOVE it! Short, sweet, and completely comprehensive. You pose thought-provoking questions -- ones we would all be well-served to consider. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and shining a bright light on these important areas of inquiry!

  2. Loving all of the "What ifs" this week! My favorites from your list are "What if students were active participants..." and "What if teachers were ... excited to help their students investigate questions and support problem solving?" Those two go hand-in-glove – students as directors of their own education, and teachers as guide-on-the-side. :)

  3. Your "What if administration listened more than they talked?" made me think about the discussions of the importance of empathy and "loving the heck out of people" on this week's YouTube Live conversation for #IMMOOC. If you haven't yet had a chance, I'd highly recommend giving it a listen:


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