Who do I Admire as a Leader

The person I admire as a leader is a person I have only known for about six months.  From the first conversation with this person, I could tell they were going to be a wonderful addition to our school; a real breath of fresh air to a very stale and tired leadership.   The characteristics I admire the most in this leader is their ability to lead by example, make thoughtful decisions, utilize an inclusion technique to decision making, be open and receptive to all ideas, and by far utilize the most important quality in a leader, really listening. 

I would describe this person's leadership style as one of Theory Y - which was created and developed by Douglas McGregor in the 1960's.  This type of management style recognizes that employees take responsibility for their work and feel as though they are a very valuable asset to their company.  The leadership employs a democratic style where little to no supervision is needed because people are doing their job and taking pride in their work.     This would describe the person I admire as a leader to a T. 


  1. Nicky,
    That type of leadership takes some very explicit strategies. So often it seems like little to no supervision is needed but I imagine that your leader did a lot of front end work to get everyone to that point. I'm wondering how long it took for her to bring folks to the point where they took such pride in their work.


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