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Larry Cuban's Predictions for School Reform and Classroom Practice from 2014

I picked this blog because in one of his paragraphs he mentions that he does this prediction every four years, and since it is 2018, I wanted to see how accurate he was in 2014.     Lots has  happened over the past four years with Larry blogging about the LA School System rolling out the most expensive technology purchase with ipads the State had ever seen.    He also predicted that textbooks would be digitized, online learning would spread and the onset of computer testing would create access to more devices across schools and accelerate classroom usage.  These predictions have certainly been right on the money. Today, as Larry mentions, a broad array of teaching and learning modalities are available to both teachers and learners in K-12 schools.  He believes K-12 online leaning will evolve slowly as blended learning and flipped classrooms gain traction. In the school I work in, one-to-one Chrome books are used by 2nd - 5th grade, with the up...

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